

Boost your Cyber-Immunity through our Cyber Security services ecosystem.

4 services to boost your Cyber Immunity.

4 services to boost your Cyber Immunity.

Synoptiq Corporate Profile.

Synoptiq Corporate Profile.

Can you be hacked?

Can you be hacked?

We can help answer this Million Dollar Question for you. Our services ecosystem comprises of Hall-of-fame ethical hackers who are Indian Citizens and can help you understand points of entry in your existing setup.

Ransomware Ready?

Ransomware Ready?

How ransomware ready is your data backup policy and infrastructure? Answer some simple questions here and you can easily ascertain where your challenges will be in case there s a breach or attack.

Culture of Reporting

Culture of Reporting

Humans are the weakest link but also the last resort to security when all else fails. Hence, it is important to gamilfy reporting of malicious intent on emails and other systems by them to the IT Teams.

Post-breach RCA

Post-breach RCA

Breaches can happen to the best. How quickly you get your RCA done determines how quickly less of a business impact it is on your organization.

Recovery of Data

Recovery of Data

Irrespective of the type of medium you use, whether your data has been encrypted or there is a physical damage to the storage medium, our ecosystem alliances can help you recover from any media.



Determine how your domain authentication is happening through a quick PoC for 15 days and we will tell you what traffic has been flowing through your email infrastructure and through which geographies where.

Contact us today if you have been breached
or want to recover data!